pregnancy week by week

12 Weeks Pregnancy: Tips, Changes, and Exciting Developments.

The 12 weeks pregnancy is a significant turning point, as many expectant mothers begin to experience relief from early pregnancy symptoms. In this blog post, we’ll explore the exciting developments happening during 12 weeks pregnancy, from your baby’s growth and development to important prenatal care considerations.

Fig 1 : 12 weeks pregnancy ultrasound scan

At 12 Weeks pregnancy, 12 Weeks of Ultrasound scan is done. It is the Third month of the pregnancy stage.

Ultrasound is an essential tool for monitoring fetal development during pregnancy.

Your baby will be completely formed by the end of the third month. At 12 Weeks of pregnancy, Your 12-week ultrasound scan will show your baby moving its hands, legs, and head and opening and closing its mouth, but he or she is still too small for you to feel this movement.

The fingers and toes will be more distinct and have soft nails; . The baby’s hands are more developed than the feet and the arms are longer than the legs. Your baby’s head is quite large compared to the rest of its body. Hair may have started to form on the head. Tooth buds have formed under the baby’s gums. By the end of this month, the umbilical cord, which carries nutrients to your baby and takes wastes away, will be fully formed.The importance of 12 Weeks Ultrasound scan during 12 weeks of pregnancy cannot be neglected.

                          Mother at 12 weeks pregnancy

By the end of the third month, you should be beginning to perk up a bit if you’ve experienced fatigue. Morning sickness and frequent urination should both begin to subside. At around twelve weeks, you should have your first visit to the antenatal clinic. Remember, you are entitled to paid leave for antenatal checkups and classes. A number of tests and scans are done between 11 and 13 weeks. Your 12 Weeks Ultrasound scan may be done at this time to determine the baby’s age. Other tests which screen for possible birth defects can also be done around this time.

                               Baby at 12 weeks pregnancy

In 12 Weeks Ultrasound scan, your developing baby will weigh just half an ounce (14 grams) and be about 3 inches (7 centimeters) long. His eyes are formed and his fingers and toes are becoming distinct. His genital organs can be seen quite clearly with an ultrasound and his internal organs are functioning. Vocal cords develop around the 13th week of pregnancy. Your baby’s heart has four chambers and beats at 120 to 160 beats per minute. Kidneys are now developed and start draining urine into the bladder.

Note that World Health Organization recommends that women should have eight contacts with a health provider during pregnancy to screen for potential complications and treat problems as they arise including prevention of antepartum stillbirths. Make sure you always ask question about your pregnancy health anytime you need it. You may also ask pregnancy question here

Remember when you visit a doctor for ultrasound scan, you should know that there are two types of pregnancy ultrasound scans :

  1. Transabdominal (TAS)
  2. Transvaginal (TVS)

In Transabdominal scans(TAS), the scan is performed by placing an Ultrasound transducer or probe on the abdomen and moving it around to create images of the developing baby and the surrounding structures.As the ultrasound probe is moving across your abdomen the image of your womb and surrounding organs will be also seen including your developing baby in your womb.

In Transvaginal (TVS), the scan is performed using a small, hand-held probe that is inserted into the vagina. This type of scan is generally used to assess the the womb so as to obtain images of the baby during early pregnancy.

How to prepare for ultrasound scan

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your ultrasound:

  1. Drink plenty of water before your appointment. This will help ensure that your bladder is full, which is necessary for a good ultrasound image.
  2. Don’t empty your bladder before the ultrasound. You may be asked to do this if your bladder isn’t full enough, but it’s best to wait until after the exam is done.
  3. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. You’ll likely need to undress from the waist down, so wearing something that’s easy to take off (and put back on) will make the process go more smoothly.
  4. Relax and enjoy the experience! Ultrasounds are an amazing way to bond with

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